For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.    -Richard P. Feynman

Welcome to my site!

I am Shiwen An, currently working at Tokyo Institute of Technology as a student in Slavakis Lab. I used to have fun in physics field. I did plenty of interesting experiment in High Energy Physics, touch the latest Pixel detector to be installed in LHC at CERN.  For this public page, I would like to share a bit more thoughts on my current study in Quantum Computing Algorithm and some leisure projects

Quantum Computing 

Let's dive into it!

LHC and  more

Worked on di-Higgs to bbtautau physics search and what it mean for ex-hep 


All things about implementations and deployment


Don't be too serious! We still have our life and need to stop and see the world! 
